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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
banki með auknar fjárrslubirgðir
ECI bank
[is] Birgðir ómeðhöndlaðra peningaseðla í vörslu seðlabanka aðildarríkis

Peningaseðlar hjá seðlabanka aðildarríkis sem hafa ekki enn verið sannvottaðir eða hæfisflokkaðir af seðlabanka aðildarríkis með seðlaflokkunarvélum eða handvirkt. Peningaseðlar sem hafa verið sannvottaðir og hæfisflokkaðir af aðilum með pöntunarbirgðir peningaseðla, bönkum með auknar fjárvörslubirgðir eða sérhverju öðru lánafyrirtæki eða fagaðilum sem handleika reiðufé og er síðan skilað til seðlabanka aðildarríkisins, eru hluti af þessum gagnalið þar til seðlabanki aðildarríkisins hefur meðhöndlað þá peningaseðla

[en] Stocks of unprocessed banknotes held by NCB

Banknotes which the NCB holds, and which have not yet been authenticated and fitness sorted by an NCB on banknote sorting machines or manually. Banknotes which have been authenticated and fitness sorted by NHTO entities, ECI banks or any other credit institutions or professional cash handlers and subsequently returned to the NCB form part of this data item until the NCB has processed such banknotes

[is] Viðmiðunarregla Seðlabanka Evrópu frá 30. júní 2011 um breytingu á viðmiðunarreglu SE/2008/8 um gagnasöfnun varðandi evruna og rekstur gjaldmiðlaupplýsingakerfis 2

[en] Guideline of the European Central Bank of 30 June 2011 amending Guideline ECB/2008/8 on data collection regarding the euro and the operation of the Currency Information System 2

Skjal nr.
[en] ECI programme:

a programme consisting of contractual arrangements between the ECB, an NCB and individual credit institutions (ECI banks), whereby the NCB: (i) supplies the ECI banks with euro banknotes, which they hold in custody outside Europe for the purpose of putting them into circulation; and (ii) credits the ECI banks for euro banknotes which are deposited by their customers, checked for authenticity and fitness, held in custody and notified to the NCB. The banknotes held in custody by the ECI banks, including those in transit between the NCB and the ECI banks, are fully collateralised until they are put into circulation by the ECI banks or returned to the NCB. Banknotes transferred from the NCB to ECI banks form part of the NCB''s created banknotes (data item 1.1). Banknotes held in custody by ECI banks do not form part of the NCB''s national net issuance of banknotes (IATE)

banki - orðflokkur no. kyn kk.
Önnur málfræði
nafnliður með forsetningarlið
ENSKA annar ritháttur
extended custodial inventory bank

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